Solana Token Multisender

Your balance: 0
Total tokens: 0 Total Addresses:

How to use Solana Multisender?

  1. Connect your Solana Wallet
  2. Select the token you want to airdrop
  3. Introduce the token quantity each wallet will receive
  4. Write the list of addresses
  5. Verify all the information is correct
  6. Write the description you want for your SPL Token
  7. Click on Process Send Token and accept the transaction
  8. Wait until your airdrop has finished!

What is Solana Token Multisender?

Solana Multisender is a dApp that allows users, without coding experience, to send Tokens to a list of wallets, with custom quantities. You can fill the list manually or upload a CSV. All this process is faster and cheaper that any other option as it is automatically done. This tool is completely safe, audited by different developers teams and used by the biggest Solana Collections.

Which wallet can I use?

You can use any Solana Wallet as Phantom, Solflare, Backpack, etc.

Is it Safe to Multisend Solana Tokens here?

Yes, our tool is completely safe. It is a dApp that makes the airdrop for you to the wallets you indicate, so it does not have any access to your assets. Our Smart Contract is audited and used by hundred users every month.